Very importan me updates yippee idfk haiii
- Im planning to rework a good bit of the site and layout yippieee
- Id like to add a little about me section and maybe some sort of portfolio or something i dont know aaaa if you have any ideas ples tell me
- I also wanna add a welcome page just because i think theyre very cool and i think im missing one
- Also ive been uploading songs and silly things to youtube honestly its been super fun check that out if you want
- I kinda wanna add a cover progress section too because im working on a couple rn and itd be cool to update it as i finish them :3
Linked some new songs in the ART section !!!!
Check OTHER to hear my insane ramblings about this
This little brick breaker button!!
Click it to control the paddle with A and D..
Add me to your page
Some doodles in the ART section!!! YIPPEEE FINALLY
And this little neocities button that is also a playable keyboard!!!
Add me to your page
Last updated: ???
4/04/2024 -- Icons update and some more UI changes + some cool stuff
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- Moved my music covers to the art section
- Added a silly little canvas so you can be a based artist or whatever
- Testing a new background overlay for the content of the page, it should be more readable now
- Fully switched to the little doodles for icons!! no more ugly ass svgs i made in 10 minutes
- The news section now uses these openable tab sections, i also removed some smaller logs
- Added more little animations everywhere
- Stuff to come eventually:
- dark mode toggle
- MAYBE**???? a spanish version of the site whenever i figure that out but no promises
1/04/2024 -- Some UI and organization changes!!!
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- Changed the "Coding" tab to Other and added some stuff!!!! look at it!!!!!
- Added some little icons to the top navbar and other places
- Fixed a couple bugs and broken links and made it so the buttons spam the console less
- Made some changes to the mobile layout to make it more readable and nicer to look at in general
- Note: im currently switching to a new set of icons so some of the svg ones are broken rn
6/02/2024 -- "We are so back" update
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- Tweaked some of the page's colors to make it more cozy :3
- Started uni again so i will probably be more programmer core (if im not too busy)
- The last updated counter now shows a relative amount of time instead of the date
12/11/2023 -- Added new interactive buttons!: My buttons
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- Added a new playable keyboard button along with the game of life one :>
- Also i moved them to their own section
Hiiiiii :>
About me
- Lavender (she/they) (Esp-Eng)
- I like terraria and ultrakill
- Self taught artist (kinda)
- I play piano, guitar and ukulele (kinda)
- Very silly
- I dont know what im doing half the time
- Cant spell to save my life
I enjoy coding (sometimes)
You can find some of my art and other things i make here :3
(Also yeah i didnt use punctuation while writing this idk why tbh) (sorry)
My buttons